Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Tree as Art Form

Originally we were going to fully decorate for Christmas this year on Thanksgiving weekend.  We (and by we I mean the royal We as I simply watched as Rafe and Amelia did all the work) got as far as putting up the tree with the lights on before deciding it was too risky to put ornaments on the tree or decorations up with Destructor  Olivia running around the house.  

Somehow over the next few days, decorations still mysteriously appeared on the tree.  Every day I'd walk by, only to discover something new on the tree.  My photos are terrible, but you get the idea.  Toilet paper and paper towel tubes, musical instruments, windmills, necklaces, artwork and toys.  This is only the start... as the days went by it increased!  She even went so far as to make a Nativity scene at the bottom of the tree using mostly her imagination and just a few items.  Apparently I really fell down on the job this year.  At least one of us has the decorating gene!  She certainly didn't get it from me.  Must be Rafe's side of the family.  

This one touched me the most... her nativity scene.  The nest of branches is the manger, the piece of paper lying on the toilet paper tube is a drawing of baby Jesus and the tube is his crib, and there are drawings of the three wise men, some animals and something else.  The big tube is the star in the sky and of course the lovely parents to the left.  I think she's got a future in modern art.  

These are place settings she made... we all had one at our places at the table.

This was my only contribution to holiday decorations! :)

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