Monday, February 14, 2011

Unexpected Prayers

At night, snuggled together in the covers, Amelia and I say prayers together.  I would say the Lord's Prayer every night while she listened, and then one day out of the blue, she repeated the whole thing with me.  There is something magical about listening to a child pray.  We're nestled together, her cheek pressed to mine and I hear her sweet voice. 

Every night, I pray outloud.  I want Amelia to know that I come to God for help, for praise, for thanks.  Every night she listens.  Every once in a while, she wants to pray outloud.  Mostly she likes to pray in her mind, she says.  She's quiet for a minute, then tells me she's done.  Occasionally she will tell me she wants to say the same prayer again outloud.  She'll tell God thank you for friends, family, toys... ask him to watch out for Olivia and Daddy, often talk about relatives. 

Lately, I've been asking God to help me become a better mommy, to learn all I can about the intricacies of my children, along with the other things I pray about.  What I meant for it to be was an example of how we can go to God in all things and to be an example in asking for self discipline (which she surely needs right now). 

What it turned out to be was far different.  Last night, she prayed "in her mind" and then wanted to share with me the prayer outloud.  It was tender and sweet, right up to the point where she prayed "for mommy to be a better person".  I know she was repeating what she'd heard me pray, but I couldn't stop my reaction.  I said, "I AM a good person!!"  She immediately got the giggles and I knew I'd made a monumental mistake.  The kind your kids don't forget.  It had my attention, so she was going to repeat it over and over.  She did, last night.  In the car today on the way home from church.  Again tonight.  "Dear God... please help mommy be a better person".  What kid prays for that?  Seriously, it makes me feel like she's praying for a better mommy. 

I just  hope she doesn't start telling people she prays for her mommy to be a better person.  I know she's messing with me.  It's working.


L. Peters said...

This is such a precious post.

Laurie said...

I can see the humour in it. But in the moment, I thought... wait!!! Kid, you're making me sound like I'm a rotten mommy! :) I was surprised by how defensive I felt.

Growingtogether said...

FUNNY!!! I love it!

Allegra said...

I can identify, Laurie. While Allen was sick last week, he told me he wanted to take me back and get a new mommy because he thought I was lying to him about his medicine. It really hurt my heart. Even though I know he just didn't want to take his medicine, it was hard to hear. So I am very empathetic ...