Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Firehouse, part 2

A very bummed out little girl who just realized she isn't really getting to driveHappy again after seeing the firedog
Waving bye bye to all the firemen

Contemplating her next move

"Out of my way, I've got a baby to save!"


Mandy said...

Those are adorable! Did you call the firehouse ahead of time to set it up? I want to take Noah sometime too!

Laurie said...

Nope, we just walked up. And it turned out Dad knew some of the guys there - he used to work with them. It might depend on the firehoues in your area, but apparently they get a lot of kids because they had a bowl of dum dums and a stack of those plastic firehats. Very, very friendly bunch of guys. I remember when Dad worked at the firestation, they liked to have visitors to break up the day. You should see if you could get Dad to take Noah back up there sometime, or go to one in your area. He could do that when you have Elliot. Of course, if you are like me, you want to be there the first time so you can document it.